
Content Marketing: What is it & Why is it Important?

Post by
Mansi Shah
Last updated :
August 2, 2023
 | 20 min read
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The way we consume content is continuously evolving and thus, companies also evolve their marketing tactics and how they showcase their brands. Consumers now look beyond advertisements and are on the constant lookout for unique & engaging content from brands.

Among these evolving marketing trends, Content Marketing has become one of the most popular ways of marketing your brand and for good reason too, it can help you increase your brand presence, web traffic, and overall boost sales. It is the key to be successful in this digital age of the internet, e-commerce & social media.

But what exactly is content marketing and why should it be an integral part of your marketing campaign? This article will walk you through the meaning and importance of content marketing for your brand.

Even though we are surrounded by content all the time, defining what content marketing actually means is a bit difficult. So, like any other person, I turned to Google for answers. 😛

Here’s a definition of Content Marketing -

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Key takeaways from the definition:

1. Content should be valuable & relevant:

No matter how many pieces of content you create or curate, if it is not relevant or add value to your target audience, it won’t attract or convert visitors and surely won’t make them stay!

2. Create consistently:

Content marketing is not a one-time thing; you need to create content consistently if you wish to attract new customers. And there are various types of content that you can create so you don’t need to worry about having to think about what to create every time.

3. Have a clearly defined audience:

If you’re reaching out and marketing to the wrong audience, all your hard work will go in vain. Attracting the right target audience is essential for your content marketing to work. You need to define your target audience as specifically as you can.

4. Don’t mention your product/service:

Your audience is constantly bombarded with advertising! And even though the end goal of content marketing is the sale of your product/service, don’t just talk about yourself. To get their attention, your content’s focus should be on educating and adding value to their lives.

Now that you know what is content marketing, let’s look at why it is important for your business!

The Importance of Content Marketing

Establish Your Authority:

Content marketing helps you build authority around a specific niche or a topic. Creating quality content consistently around the pain points of your target audience will not only set you apart from your competitors but also give your customers a reason to choose you over them.

The more quality content you produce, the more respect you will gain from your audience and credibility within your niche. As we move forward, be it in technology or marketing, consumers are becoming more critical while choosing to buy anything. That is why it is important to establish authority in your niche.

Improve Your SEO:

Even if you are an expert in the industry, your audience will not be able to reach you if you are not at the top of the search engine. SEO plays an important role in improving visibility for your business on search engines.

However, to improve your SEO and rank higher on search engines like Google, you need to create optimized content. That is where content marketing comes in, it can help you rank higher on selected keywords and improve your overall SEO. The more content you create on your website, the more chance and opportunity you have to rank.

Generate More Leads:

Content Marketing is a long-term effort, it won’t show you instant results like paid ads. However, that’s what is so great about content marketing. A one-time effort will pay off in the long run; it will keep bringing in more leads long after you’ve published the content, especially if it is evergreen content.

The content you create is like a giant magnet that attracts new customers. But, one thing to remember is that the content should be relevant and valuable to YOUR target audience. If your content attracts wrong leads, your efforts will go in vain.

Increase Conversion:

Content Marketing will not only attract new leads but also help them convert into buyers of your product/service. The content you create can help increase your product or service’s conversation rates because it allows you to connect and talk to your end-users directly. Your audience is more likely to invest their time and money in your brand if they know who you are and the values you stand for.

Thus, creating content that will help them make an informed and educated purchase decision. However, it is essential to have a clear CTA within the content that informs readers what should they do next.

Wrapping Up

Content marketing will not only help you gain visibility but also build stronger relationships with your customers.

There are a ton of more reasons as to why content marketing is important but I’m sure you get the idea that it is time to get started!

content marketing tips

About Author

Mansi Shah
Content Writer
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Mansi works as a Content Manager at Clientjoy, a Sales CRM & Growth Engine for freelancers & agencies. When she's not busy working, she keeps herself busy learning or binge-watching her latest sitcom obsession or writing about it.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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