
How to Build a Sales Funnel for Your Agency

Post by
Yash Shah
Last updated :
August 2, 2023
 | 20 min read
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Every stage of the sales funnel has an impact on how customers behave. Understanding each level allows you to put strategies in place to increase the number of people who move from one step to the next. Creating a well-defined and managed sales funnel can have tremendous impacts on your business.

What Is a Sales Funnel?

'Every step a potential customer has to take on their journey to purchase from you.' This statement is the easiest way of understanding what a sales funnel is.

A sales funnel or service is defined by how you present yourself to potential buyers and website visitors before becoming paid clients.

The best feature of the sales funnel services or sales funnels is that the product's price can be easily customised and optimised for a high conversion rate, revenue, price and profit margin.

How do you create a sales funnel in marketing?

When we talk about creating a sales marketing funnel, we have to focus on learning about customer journeys and making it easy for the customer to decide to buy the product or service. It is also essential to develop content marketing strategies to give the potential customer ample information regarding the product. It always helps to make educational material to promote your agency in the best way.

Always remember to give attention to the specific sell-through for your product or service and give guiding directions for the conversion rate optimisation too. By monitoring all sales funnel stages and metrics, you can easily improve conversion rate optimization and the customer experience while building sales funnels.

A sales funnel agency creates and scales ultra-high converting sales funnels and landing pages that help you grow your business. These sales funnel agencies understand your business and create a custom made sales page and funnel that meets your needs. They have the experience and expertise to get the best results for your business. They also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your sales funnels remain effective.

The sales funnel is an action sequence that leads the customer into the purchase process. Think of the sales funnel agency as an ongoing process of landing pages, sales pages, blog pages, and retargeted ads that bring your customers' target audiences through the sales funnel agency.

Example: Netflix's popular free trial is becoming an industry standard for all platforms. In the same way, most platforms, software, or tools provide free services to potential clients. Free trials enter right into the awareness stages of the target audience demographic, giving them the whole testing period on Netflix and getting them used to the platform.

Why do you need to be clear on how your sales funnel works?

The funnel acts as a map of your customer’s journey. If you can define your full value ladder sales funnel clearly, you can understand how to improve the ladder sales funnel and optimize it using the right funnel optimization tactics. A perfect ladder sales funnel would mean that everyone who comes across your brand makes a purchase from you.

Your funnel is an integrated marketing plan, consisting of a sequence of phases (emails, landing pages, and so on) that create a "glide path" for prospective clients to follow. At the end of such a road, there comes a sales decision.

And the perfect scenario for your agency is when the customer reaches the "sales decision" stage, They have all the information they need to make an informed decision. They have all the details about your product or service. And your consultation will consist primarily of answering final questions and taking their order. 

As a result, by using a sales funnel you gain useful and valuable data on what works to generate leads and what doesn't by tracking leads at each level of the funnel. This enables you to constantly optimise your own value ladder sales funnel in order to increase conversion rates, generate new leads and maximise your earnings from leads.

Stages of the sales funnel

Understanding the buyer's journey is essential to creating a successful sales funnel. The buyer's journey describes a potential customer or consumer's steps before purchasing. It is essential to map out the potential customer's journey to design a sales funnel that covers each stage and guides the buyer to make a purchase. There are various terms to describe the stages of the sales funnel. The most common ones are:

Awareness: You've built a funnel on social media to get people to know about you and direct them to your website.

Interest: Once they know about the brand, you exchange information about offers of free value and great products and services and, in turn, capture a lead (their contact information).

Decision: You educate your prospects on what you offer and why they should buy from you and prepare to commit to a purchase.

Action: Then you've got to land them a sale by giving them something they can't refuse, like a major discount or a bunch of freebies. To get more sales and boost organic traffic and retention, you keep sending out coupons or other free offers for more sales and content, educating them on what else you have.

Re-Engagement: The re-engagement stage of a lead in a sales and marketing funnel is essential in converting prospective consumers into paying customers and more leads for repeat purchases.

How To Build a Sales Funnel

Analyse how prospects interact with your content:

Using data analytics tools and the host of free and smart tools is the best way to understand how prospective customers interact with your service and content.

Did they watch the entire video that you posted? What did they do after watching the video?

Did they want to find out any more money about your brand?

With this information, you can design content, target it to specific demographics, and improve how it works for you.

Create A Lead Magnet

Create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is a free offer that provides valuable information to your website visitors in exchange for their contact information ( it requires an email address). Consider a lead magnet to be a little salesman within your funnel, inviting consumers for your brand.

To get a prospect's email address, you must offer them something in return. For instance, you can offer a potential client a free ebook or template with valuable and informative content.

How to create a lead magnet:

  • Identify your clients' problems.
  • Create relevant content to help find solutions to such problems.
  • Provide an appealing lead magnet (eBooks, checklists, whitepapers, templates, etc.). 
  • To personalise the experience, segment your leads.

If you generate content for your lead magnet, don't only use it as a lead magnet—it can also serve as the foundation for a variety of other marketing efforts. The same content can be used to create blog posts, webinars, and other forms of content marketing. It can also be used to make social media posts and advertisements to promote the lead magnet. It can also be used to generate a series of emails for a full lead generation and nurturing campaign.

Lead magnets are valuable assets in digital marketing since they help in creating email lists, developing client relationships and increasing sales. Lead magnets are simple to make and can be used to reach out to target audiences.

They also help to establish trust among potential customers by providing them with helpful information. Finally, lead magnets can be used to track customer behavior and assess customer engagement.

Create a good landing page

Landing pages are specific pages designed to convert potential customers into paying clients. They should be straightforward, uncluttered, and focused on a single call-to-action (CTA).

This first stage is a vital step. While many businesses create a landing page, which is a lead magnet landing page that does the job, this has to be much more than that. This landing page is the first step in the customer committing something to your brand.

Ensure your potential client or customer feels they are getting more than their money and time's worth. After all, this is where you start showing them your value and exactly how you will deliver on promises. You can boost the possibility of converting potential clients or leads into paying customers by optimising your landing pages for conversions.

A sales page is a single page, typically on a website, designed to sell products or services for a business. Sales pages are more extensive pages aimed to provide detailed information about your agency's service and encourage potential consumers to make a purchase.

They should be convincing, educational, and focused on the benefits of your company's solution. You may boost the likelihood of turning potential customers into paying customers by building attractive sales pages.

Start An Email Campaign

Start an email campaign

Now that you’ve got the email address, what do you do with it? You could send pictures of your latest goods and spam their inboxes. Bide your time. Instead of asking them to buy from you right away, ask them to learn about you. It is a smart plan to have automated emails sent out. If you do your email marketing just right, you may end up with hundreds and thousands of email addresses.

Email marketing is an effective marketing technique to nurture and generate leads. You can design personalised and relevant email campaigns that encourage potential consumers to complete a purchase by segmenting your email list based on customer profiles and behavior.

Give them useful content, and gradually educate them on your core offer and why making the purchase is in their best interest. Show them that you aren’t just about the sale but value relationships.

Always Stay In Touch

Always stay in touch

This might be the most important part. Take the customer's hand and make them a part of your journey and your company's growth story. If you are a new business and your first fifty customers are still on your mailing list, let them know how much you appreciate their support and how you couldn't have done it without them.

This is a great way to create opportunities for repeat purchases and a smart way to exploit an existing database. If you are about to launch a new product, go ahead and ask your customers what they think about it before you launch it.

You can also focus on retargeting. Retargeting means showing advertisements to potential clients who have interacted with your agency's website, content, or service. You can display relevant ads that remind them of your agency, products, or services and encourage them to return to your agency or website by tracking their behavior with cookies.

CRM software can also help with tracking leads. You can even use CRM software like Clientjoy to keep track of all your leads and automatically add them as a client when they accept your proposal, through integrations.

Getting customer feedback is a smart way to increase your chance of success. If you can figure out a smart strategy to create some user-generated content, your chance of success jumps significantly.

Here are a few things to keep an eye on to make sure your sales funnel strategy is working at its optimum:

  • Are you getting enough likes and engaging with potential customers?
  • Are enough of them subscribing to your email campaign because of your post?
  • Have you managed to build their confidence in your brand?
  • How many emails were converted to sales?
  • Do they keep coming back?

How to Optimise Your Sales Funnel

How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel

Once you've built your sales funnel, you need to constantly optimise and update it to ensure optimal effectiveness. Here are some ideas for improving your sales funnel:

Evaluating Success

Key metrics such as traffic leads produced, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value must be tracked and measured at each funnel level. You may find areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimise your funnel by monitoring these KPIs.

A/B Testing

A/B testing includes comparing the performance of two versions of a page or element inside the funnel. It can assist you in determining the ideal messaging, design, or layout for each level of the funnel, allowing you to enhance conversion rates.

Continuous Improvement 

It is essential to iterate and enhance your funnel based on customer data and input and inform your sales team regularly. This can include changing messaging, optimising landing pages, or changing your lead generation tools and nurturing strategies.

Mistakes to avoid

Common faults that can obstruct the success of your sales funnel include:

  • Failing to correctly categorise leads.
  • Having too many phases in the same sales funnel agency.
  • Ignoring post-sale follow-up.

To achieve optimum success, detecting and avoiding these mistakes right at the beginning is important.

How To Manage Your Sales Funnel on a daily basis

Clientjoy | Operating System for Agencies |

It is very common for growing businesses to lose track of their leads and forget to follow up on them. CRM software assists freelancers and small businesses in creating and managing leads, growing their customer base, and boosting sales.

You can automatically track your leads as they progress along each stage of the sales process with smart CRM software. In addition, it will nurture and engage leads based on their activities, allowing them to move down the funnel faster.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software can be an an extremely helpful and effective tool for controlling your sales funnel.

Here are some ways how CRM software can assist:

  • You can prepare a sales forecast for the month or quarter ahead. Gather sales data from the past months or quarters to create an accurate forecast. Use the forecast to guide sales and marketing decisions.
  • It is easy to keep track of lead activities. CRM software helps track leads and customer interactions. You can also monitor customer feedback.
  • Keep up with hot deals with reminders and measure campaign success.
  • With CRM software you can organize your day to maximize your leads' time. Monitor your sales team's performance. Schedule check-ins to ensure everyone is on track.
  • You can also speed up the closing process. Follow up with leads to build trust. Provide resources to help increase conversion rates. Offer feedback to motivate your team.
  • You will be able to automate certain sales processes. Track the progress of your team. Analyse the results of your efforts. Take corrective action where necessary.

As we see CRM software can be beneficial for your agency. Like Clientjoy which is a SaaS product that helps Agencies and Freelancers manage their Leads, Proposals, Clients, Invoices, and Payments in a single place. It is a platform that helps 13K+ Agencies & Freelancers in 90+ countries acquire & retain happier clients.


Sales Funnel

A sales funnel can be a great resource for agencies trying to improve their online sales. Being able to analyse the data from these answers is key to understanding if your sales funnel is working and being able to make the right changes to make it better.

An even better idea is to automate as much of the process as possible to make sure you leverage AI and the latest tech to get the most out of your business. Investing in a smart tool that helps generate the data and, ultimately, the business you need is worth every penny.

In today's highly competitive digital marketing world, having a well-designed sales funnel is essential for the success of your business and your digital marketing agency. A sales funnel helps streamline your business' sales process, improve lead quality, increase conversions and revenue, and provide valuable data for optimization and improvement.

However, creating an effective sales funnel strategy can take time and effort. It requires knowledge of your target audience's pain points and decision-making process. It also requires regular evaluation and constant changes to your strategy to ensure peak performance. You should invest in creating and optimizing your sales funnel for your own business or agency.

It can assist your clients and agency owners. You generate regular revenue, develop long-term customer relations, and distinguish more clients to your agency from the competition. So, agency owners, get started immediately. Take action today and start building your sales funnel for your client projects for your agency.

Remember to track key metrics and avoid common mistakes. With time and effort, you will have a high-performing sales funnel that drives growth and success for your agency.

Every stage of the sales funnel has an impact on how customers behave. Understanding each level allows you to put strategies in place to increase the number of people who move from one step to the next. Creating a well-defined and managed sales funnel can have tremendous impacts on your business.

What Is a Sales Funnel?

'Every step a potential customer has to take on their journey to purchase from you.' This statement is the easiest way of understanding what a sales funnel is.

A sales funnel or service is defined by how you present yourself to potential buyers and website visitors before becoming paid clients.

The best feature of the sales funnel services or sales funnels is that the product's price can be easily customised and optimised for a high conversion rate, revenue, price and profit margin.

How do you create a sales funnel in marketing?

When we talk about creating a sales marketing funnel, we have to focus on learning about customer journeys and making it easy for the customer to decide to buy the product or service. It is also essential to develop content marketing strategies to give the potential customer ample information regarding the product. It always helps to make educational material to promote your agency in the best way.

Always remember to give attention to the specific sell-through for your product or service and give guiding directions for the conversion rate optimisation too. By monitoring all sales funnel stages and metrics, you can easily improve conversion rate optimization and the customer experience while building sales funnels.

A sales funnel agency creates and scales ultra-high converting sales funnels and landing pages that help you grow your business. These sales funnel agencies understand your business and create a custom made sales page and funnel that meets your needs. They have the experience and expertise to get the best results for your business. They also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your sales funnels remain effective.

The sales funnel is an action sequence that leads the customer into the purchase process. Think of the sales funnel agency as an ongoing process of landing pages, sales pages, blog pages, and retargeted ads that bring your customers' target audiences through the sales funnel agency.

Example: Netflix's popular free trial is becoming an industry standard for all platforms. In the same way, most platforms, software, or tools provide free services to potential clients. Free trials enter right into the awareness stages of the target audience demographic, giving them the whole testing period on Netflix and getting them used to the platform.

Why do you need to be clear on how your sales funnel works?

The funnel acts as a map of your customer’s journey. If you can define your full value ladder sales funnel clearly, you can understand how to improve the ladder sales funnel and optimize it using the right funnel optimization tactics. A perfect ladder sales funnel would mean that everyone who comes across your brand makes a purchase from you.

Your funnel is an integrated marketing plan, consisting of a sequence of phases (emails, landing pages, and so on) that create a "glide path" for prospective clients to follow. At the end of such a road, there comes a sales decision.

And the perfect scenario for your agency is when the customer reaches the "sales decision" stage, They have all the information they need to make an informed decision. They have all the details about your product or service. And your consultation will consist primarily of answering final questions and taking their order. 

As a result, by using a sales funnel you gain useful and valuable data on what works to generate leads and what doesn't by tracking leads at each level of the funnel. This enables you to constantly optimise your own value ladder sales funnel in order to increase conversion rates, generate new leads and maximise your earnings from leads.

Stages of the sales funnel

Understanding the buyer's journey is essential to creating a successful sales funnel. The buyer's journey describes a potential customer or consumer's steps before purchasing. It is essential to map out the potential customer's journey to design a sales funnel that covers each stage and guides the buyer to make a purchase. There are various terms to describe the stages of the sales funnel. The most common ones are:

Awareness: You've built a funnel on social media to get people to know about you and direct them to your website.

Interest: Once they know about the brand, you exchange information about offers of free value and great products and services and, in turn, capture a lead (their contact information).

Decision: You educate your prospects on what you offer and why they should buy from you and prepare to commit to a purchase.

Action: Then you've got to land them a sale by giving them something they can't refuse, like a major discount or a bunch of freebies. To get more sales and boost organic traffic and retention, you keep sending out coupons or other free offers for more sales and content, educating them on what else you have.

Re-Engagement: The re-engagement stage of a lead in a sales and marketing funnel is essential in converting prospective consumers into paying customers and more leads for repeat purchases.

How To Build a Sales Funnel

Analyse how prospects interact with your content:

Using data analytics tools and the host of free and smart tools is the best way to understand how prospective customers interact with your service and content.

Did they watch the entire video that you posted? What did they do after watching the video?

Did they want to find out any more money about your brand?

With this information, you can design content, target it to specific demographics, and improve how it works for you.

Create A Lead Magnet

Create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is a free offer that provides valuable information to your website visitors in exchange for their contact information ( it requires an email address). Consider a lead magnet to be a little salesman within your funnel, inviting consumers for your brand.

To get a prospect's email address, you must offer them something in return. For instance, you can offer a potential client a free ebook or template with valuable and informative content.

How to create a lead magnet:

  • Identify your clients' problems.
  • Create relevant content to help find solutions to such problems.
  • Provide an appealing lead magnet (eBooks, checklists, whitepapers, templates, etc.). 
  • To personalise the experience, segment your leads.

If you generate content for your lead magnet, don't only use it as a lead magnet—it can also serve as the foundation for a variety of other marketing efforts. The same content can be used to create blog posts, webinars, and other forms of content marketing. It can also be used to make social media posts and advertisements to promote the lead magnet. It can also be used to generate a series of emails for a full lead generation and nurturing campaign.

Lead magnets are valuable assets in digital marketing since they help in creating email lists, developing client relationships and increasing sales. Lead magnets are simple to make and can be used to reach out to target audiences.

They also help to establish trust among potential customers by providing them with helpful information. Finally, lead magnets can be used to track customer behavior and assess customer engagement.

Create a good landing page

Landing pages are specific pages designed to convert potential customers into paying clients. They should be straightforward, uncluttered, and focused on a single call-to-action (CTA).

This first stage is a vital step. While many businesses create a landing page, which is a lead magnet landing page that does the job, this has to be much more than that. This landing page is the first step in the customer committing something to your brand.

Ensure your potential client or customer feels they are getting more than their money and time's worth. After all, this is where you start showing them your value and exactly how you will deliver on promises. You can boost the possibility of converting potential clients or leads into paying customers by optimising your landing pages for conversions.

A sales page is a single page, typically on a website, designed to sell products or services for a business. Sales pages are more extensive pages aimed to provide detailed information about your agency's service and encourage potential consumers to make a purchase.

They should be convincing, educational, and focused on the benefits of your company's solution. You may boost the likelihood of turning potential customers into paying customers by building attractive sales pages.

Start An Email Campaign

Start an email campaign

Now that you’ve got the email address, what do you do with it? You could send pictures of your latest goods and spam their inboxes. Bide your time. Instead of asking them to buy from you right away, ask them to learn about you. It is a smart plan to have automated emails sent out. If you do your email marketing just right, you may end up with hundreds and thousands of email addresses.

Email marketing is an effective marketing technique to nurture and generate leads. You can design personalised and relevant email campaigns that encourage potential consumers to complete a purchase by segmenting your email list based on customer profiles and behavior.

Give them useful content, and gradually educate them on your core offer and why making the purchase is in their best interest. Show them that you aren’t just about the sale but value relationships.

Always Stay In Touch

Always stay in touch

This might be the most important part. Take the customer's hand and make them a part of your journey and your company's growth story. If you are a new business and your first fifty customers are still on your mailing list, let them know how much you appreciate their support and how you couldn't have done it without them.

This is a great way to create opportunities for repeat purchases and a smart way to exploit an existing database. If you are about to launch a new product, go ahead and ask your customers what they think about it before you launch it.

You can also focus on retargeting. Retargeting means showing advertisements to potential clients who have interacted with your agency's website, content, or service. You can display relevant ads that remind them of your agency, products, or services and encourage them to return to your agency or website by tracking their behavior with cookies.

CRM software can also help with tracking leads. You can even use CRM software like Clientjoy to keep track of all your leads and automatically add them as a client when they accept your proposal, through integrations.

Getting customer feedback is a smart way to increase your chance of success. If you can figure out a smart strategy to create some user-generated content, your chance of success jumps significantly.

Here are a few things to keep an eye on to make sure your sales funnel strategy is working at its optimum:

  • Are you getting enough likes and engaging with potential customers?
  • Are enough of them subscribing to your email campaign because of your post?
  • Have you managed to build their confidence in your brand?
  • How many emails were converted to sales?
  • Do they keep coming back?

How to Optimise Your Sales Funnel

How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel

Once you've built your sales funnel, you need to constantly optimise and update it to ensure optimal effectiveness. Here are some ideas for improving your sales funnel:

Evaluating Success

Key metrics such as traffic leads produced, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value must be tracked and measured at each funnel level. You may find areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimise your funnel by monitoring these KPIs.

A/B Testing

A/B testing includes comparing the performance of two versions of a page or element inside the funnel. It can assist you in determining the ideal messaging, design, or layout for each level of the funnel, allowing you to enhance conversion rates.

Continuous Improvement 

It is essential to iterate and enhance your funnel based on customer data and input and inform your sales team regularly. This can include changing messaging, optimising landing pages, or changing your lead generation tools and nurturing strategies.

Mistakes to avoid

Common faults that can obstruct the success of your sales funnel include:

  • Failing to correctly categorise leads.
  • Having too many phases in the same sales funnel agency.
  • Ignoring post-sale follow-up.

To achieve optimum success, detecting and avoiding these mistakes right at the beginning is important.

How To Manage Your Sales Funnel on a daily basis

Clientjoy | Operating System for Agencies |

It is very common for growing businesses to lose track of their leads and forget to follow up on them. CRM software assists freelancers and small businesses in creating and managing leads, growing their customer base, and boosting sales.

You can automatically track your leads as they progress along each stage of the sales process with smart CRM software. In addition, it will nurture and engage leads based on their activities, allowing them to move down the funnel faster.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software can be an an extremely helpful and effective tool for controlling your sales funnel.

Here are some ways how CRM software can assist:

  • You can prepare a sales forecast for the month or quarter ahead. Gather sales data from the past months or quarters to create an accurate forecast. Use the forecast to guide sales and marketing decisions.
  • It is easy to keep track of lead activities. CRM software helps track leads and customer interactions. You can also monitor customer feedback.
  • Keep up with hot deals with reminders and measure campaign success.
  • With CRM software you can organize your day to maximize your leads' time. Monitor your sales team's performance. Schedule check-ins to ensure everyone is on track.
  • You can also speed up the closing process. Follow up with leads to build trust. Provide resources to help increase conversion rates. Offer feedback to motivate your team.
  • You will be able to automate certain sales processes. Track the progress of your team. Analyse the results of your efforts. Take corrective action where necessary.

As we see CRM software can be beneficial for your agency. Like Clientjoy which is a SaaS product that helps Agencies and Freelancers manage their Leads, Proposals, Clients, Invoices, and Payments in a single place. It is a platform that helps 13K+ Agencies & Freelancers in 90+ countries acquire & retain happier clients.


Sales Funnel

A sales funnel can be a great resource for agencies trying to improve their online sales. Being able to analyse the data from these answers is key to understanding if your sales funnel is working and being able to make the right changes to make it better.

An even better idea is to automate as much of the process as possible to make sure you leverage AI and the latest tech to get the most out of your business. Investing in a smart tool that helps generate the data and, ultimately, the business you need is worth every penny.

In today's highly competitive digital marketing world, having a well-designed sales funnel is essential for the success of your business and your digital marketing agency. A sales funnel helps streamline your business' sales process, improve lead quality, increase conversions and revenue, and provide valuable data for optimization and improvement.

However, creating an effective sales funnel strategy can take time and effort. It requires knowledge of your target audience's pain points and decision-making process. It also requires regular evaluation and constant changes to your strategy to ensure peak performance. You should invest in creating and optimizing your sales funnel for your own business or agency.

It can assist your clients and agency owners. You generate regular revenue, develop long-term customer relations, and distinguish more clients to your agency from the competition. So, agency owners, get started immediately. Take action today and start building your sales funnel for your client projects for your agency.

Remember to track key metrics and avoid common mistakes. With time and effort, you will have a high-performing sales funnel that drives growth and success for your agency.

About Author

Yash Shah
Co-founder & Chief Executive
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Yash owned and ran a Tech Agency that grew to 55 people team offering SaaS, FinTech and E-Commerce Web & Mobile app Development before founding Clientjoy. He currently serves as Chief Executive at Clientjoy - a platform that helps 16K+ Agencies & Freelancers in 90+ Countries grow their business and manage their clients.

About the Editor & Reviewer

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Tip for you

bringing in complementary skills by engaging freelancers as agency members. This is the most common path for existing freelancers to take.

Insightful Fact

Open rates of cold emails increases when it’s highly personalised to leads.

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