Analysis & Reporting

Analyse -> Report -> Revamp -> Grow
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Not just Client Portal.
It is Prospect-to-Payment in One Place


Your dashboard is your one stop to know the ins and out of your business. It helps you analyse your sales pipeline, revenue chart, summary of documents and invoices and much more.

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Weekly Email

As an business owner, Clientjoy is an ally which helps you give you a weekly email overview of your leads, clients and your team members. Along with it, you can get on top on overdue invoices, payment received etc.

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Get rid of bottlenecks

Your overdue invoices and documents that are unanswered or not approved are your stuck deals that require your attention and with Clientjoy overdue activities, you get the visibility of the same.

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Your dashboard is your one stop to know the ins and out of your business. It helps you analyse your sales pipeline, revenue chart, summary of documents and invoices and much more.

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Weekly Email

As an business owner, Clientjoy is an ally which helps you give you a weekly email overview of your leads, clients and your team members. Along with it, you can get on top on overdue invoices, payment received etc.

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Get rid of bottlenecks

Your overdue invoices and documents that are unanswered or not approved are your stuck deals that require your attention and with Clientjoy overdue activities, you get the visibility of the same.

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Clientjoy is the Missing Half of your Agency

Ever wanted someone to take repetitive work off of your plate? Yes, that is Clientjoy.
You earn money. Clientjoy will earn you time.

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No Patchwork
of Apps

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Your inventory is Time

And you spend over half of it on non-core functions like Following up for Payments or Writing Proposals from scratch or sending Manual Updates to your Clients.

You are here for better, more important things.

Built by an Agency. For Agencies.

Most Agency Founders spend sleepless nights just keeping the lights on - scaling the agency never ends up becoming a priority between recurring client and sales calls.

Clientjoy changes that.

Your Existing Clients will Bring New Clients - Give them a Stellar Experience

Integrates with 5K+ Applications

Clientjoy has it's own APIs but if you are not a developer, it also works with Zapier, Pabbly, Integromat, Integrately and SyncSpider.Haven't heard about any of the above? Worry not. We'll set these up for you :)
Show the pricing

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are hesitating, do not worry - we are here to explain
everything you might want to know. Let us help!

Do you provide any sort of weekly report?
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As Owner and Admin of the workspace, you will get weekly emails with the details of how many leads, clients, invoices and proposals have been processed by each team member.

Do you showcase any sort of chart or graph?
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In Clientjoy Dashboard, you will see revenue chart and lead graph to help you gauge how is your business progressing. Apart from this, you will also see conversion rates of proposals and status of the invoice.

What if I want more specific monthly or quarterly report?
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Just get in touch with our friendly staff via the chat box and we’ll try our best to accommodate your request.

Where can I download your app?
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Our Windows and Mac apps are available via here. Mobile apps are under development and will be made available soon.

Do you have any training or account management services available?
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We do have dedicated account management service available wherein our specialist team acts as your guide and mentor to maximise the results that you get through Clientjoy.